Difference Between Discovery and Invention with PDF: Invention and discovery go hand in hand. We make new discoveries with the support of inventions. which are an integration of previously found objects. The process of looking for and investigating something that has always existed but has never been acknowledged is called discovery. In contrast, an invention is the process of creating something new or inventing something that has never been done before using original concepts and advancements. The distinction between invention and discovery can aid in our comprehension of the fundamentals and provide us with a complete understanding of their parallels. Now let’s examine the distinction between invention and discovery.

Knowledge and technology have advanced significantly due to inventions and discoveries that have shaped human civilization. They range from basic instruments and methods to intricate devices and frameworks that have revolutionized a number of spheres of life, including communication, transportation, healthcare, and entertainment. Human curiosity, inventiveness, and problem-solving abilities have propelled them, frequently resulting in the emergence of new markets, companies, and employment prospects.

What is Discovery?

The act of recognizing something that already existing as something new is known as discovery. Most discoveries happen when we make a first-time discovery.

What is an Invention?

An innovation is the manufacture of anything completely new that can have its own applications and functions in the current world. It can be defined as the production of something new by one’s knowledge, hard work, and talents.

MeaningIt is the act of finding or exploring something, which already existed but not perceived before.The invention refers to the creation or designing of an item or a process that has never been existed before, with its own ideas and developments.
PurposeDiscoveries are coming upon something, which we do not acknowledge earlier.They are developing something original and advanced.
RepresentsDiscoveries are usually natural occurrencesThey are scientific or human-made occurrences of objects
InvolvesDiscoveries involve explorationInventions are experimentation
SubjectDiscoveries are either purposely or accidentally.We do inventions purposely.
ExistenceDiscoveries are pre-existentInventions are non-existent
PatentA patent is not possible.A patent is possible.

It is important to fully understand the specifics of both invention and discovery after learning about their distinctions.

Download: Important invention and discoveries in PDF

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Below are the Important Discovery

S. NoDiscoveryDiscoverer Year of Discovery
1The structure of DNAJames Watson and Francis Crick1953
2Evolution by natural selectionCharles Darwin1859
3The laws of thermodynamicsSadi Carnot, James Prescott Joule, Rudolf Clausius1824-1865
4The theory of relativityAlbert Einstein1905-1915
5The periodic tableDmitri Mendeleev1869
6Plate tectonicsAlfred Wegener1912
7The Big Bang theoryGeorges Lemaître1927
8Quantum mechanicsMax Planck, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, Paul Dirac1900-1930s
9Higgs BosonPeter Higgs and François Englert2012
10Black holesJohn Michell and Albert Einstein1783 and 1916
11ExoplanetsAleksander Wolszczan and Dale Frail1992
12Continental DriftAlfred Wegener1912
13The ElectronJ.J. Thomson1897
14RadioactivityMarie Curie, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel1896-1898
15The NeutronJames Chadwick1932
16The ProtonErnest Rutherford1917
17Cosmic Microwave Background RadiationArno Penzias and Robert Wilson1965
18Gravitational WavesLIGO Scientific Collaboration2015
19Ozone HoleJoe Farman, Brian Gardiner, and Jonathan Shanklin1985
20Greenhouse EffectJoseph Fourier, John Tyndall, and Svante Arrhenius1824, 1861, and 1896, respectively
21Dark MatterFritz Zwicky1933
22Dark EnergySaul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt, and Adam G. Riess1998
23First Supermassive Black HoleMaarten Schmidt1963
24First Black Hole MergerLIGO Scientific Collaboration2015
25First Gravitational LensJ. H. Oort and F. Zwicky1937

Below are the Important Invention

S. NoInventionInventorYear of Invention
1AirplaneThe Wright brothers1903
2Artificial heartRobert Jarvik1982
3Artificial intelligenceJohn McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon1956
4Atomic bombJ. Robert Oppenheimer and team1945
5AutomobileKarl Benz1886
6DNAJames Watson and Francis Crick1953
7FilmGeorge Eastman1888
8Genetic engineeringPaul Berg1972
9GPSRoger L. Easton, Ivan A. Getting and Bradford Parkinson1978
10LaserTheodore H. Maiman1960
11MicroscopeZacharias Janssen and Hans Janssen1590
12Microwave ovenPercy Spencer1945
13Mobile phonesMartin Cooper1973
14MRIRaymond Damadian1977
15Nuclear powerEnrico Fermi and team1942
16PenicillinAlexander Fleming1928
17PhotographyJoseph Nicéphore Niépce1826
18Printing pressJohannes Gutenberg1440
19Quantum mechanicsMax Planck, Albert Einstein, Werner HeisenbergEarly 20th century
20RadarRobert Watson1935
21RadioGuglielmo Marconi1895
22RefrigeratorJacob Perkins1834
23Steam engineJames Watt1765
24SuperconductivityHeike Kamerlingh Onnes1911
25TelephoneAlexander Graham Bell1876
26TelescopeHans Lippershey1608
27TelevisionPhilo Farnsworth1927
28TransistorWilliam Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain1947
29VaccinesEdward Jenner1796
30Virtual realityIvan Sutherland1968
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