Essay on Pollution Due to Urbanisation: We frequently view urbanization as a positive development. It is, for the most part, quite right. We are aware of how remote areas are developed and how vast infrastructure is built as part of urbanization. People can live better lives as a result of the many educational and employment opportunities that are created. Indeed, urbanization seems like a fascinating concept. However, we also need to be conscious of how it adds to pollution; reading this article about urbanization-related pollution will help you learn more about it.
Children are aware of pollution on land, in water, and in the air. It’s time we explain to them how pollution and environmental damage are caused by urbanization.

Along with the construction of roads, schools, hospitals, and factories, urbanization also increases the risk of air, water, and soil pollution. We shall go into more detail on this topic in this little essay on pollution brought on by urbanization.

Negative Effects of Urbanisation

As the consequence of urbanization, companies and factories have multiplied in various locations and there are more cars on the road. Pollution is caused by air pollution and gas emissions from cars and factories that poison the atmosphere. We will see how urbanization poses a serious threat to the environment in this essay on pollution brought on by urbanization.
Because of the dangerous gasses and smoke that manufacturers and cars emit, the air in cities has become poisonous. Furthermore, the disposal of industrial and domestic trash into water bodies makes the water unfit for human use or consumption.

This brief article on pollution caused by urbanization will also show us additional ways that urbanization is polluting the environment. As a result of urbanization, trees are taken down to make room for houses and other structures, and noise and land pollution have significantly increased. People will eventually have several health problems and struggle to obtain clean food and water for survival. Furthermore, when all of our natural resources run out, our ecology will deteriorate and we will see phenomena like acid rain, deforestation, and global warming, among others.

Ways to Reduce Pollution Due to Urbanisation

Our goal is to turn every village into a city by creating roads, buildings, offices, and schools. Since urbanization is viewed as a symbol of progress, we think it is beneficial to us. To fully reap the rewards of urbanization, however, pollution problems must be addressed as well. This essay on urbanization-related pollution will now go into some practical ways to reduce pollution.
We may reduce household pollution by replacing faulty pipes, separating paper/plastic and dry/wet waste, reusing plastic bottles, and cooking with biogas. Furthermore, we can make sure that industrial waste is disposed of properly rather than dumped on land or in water. Additionally, industries need to be careful to employ non-toxic products or chemicals. Every country should strive toward urbanization, but we must make sure that it does so without damaging the environment. Let’s use this essay about pollution brought on by urbanization to educate our kids about this issue as well.

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