
Homophone : A homophone is a word that sounds the same but has a distinct meaning. We use more than 100 words with similar pronunciations but distinct meanings in our daily lives. Even if we are aware of the word’s definition, we nonetheless make mistakes. This is referred to as a homophone since it sounds similar to another word.

Many of students have confused while using these word in sentence. To overcome from this mistake we try to collect below 100 words with same pronunciation with different meaning and spelling.

1Bark The Sound A Dog Makes
2Bark The Outer Covering Of A Tree
3Bat A Flying Mammal
4Bat A Piece Of Sports Equipment Used In Baseball
5Bear An Animal
6Bear To Carry Or Support
7Blue A Color
8Blew Past Tense Of “Blow”
9Board A Flat Piece Of Wood
10Bored Feeling Uninterested
11Brake A Device For Slowing Or Stopping
12Break To Separate Into Pieces
13Buy To Purchase
14By Next To
15Cell A Small Room
16Sell To Exchange For Money
17Cent A Unit Of Currency
18Sent Past Tense Of “Send”
19Coarse Rough In Texture
20Course A Route Or Direction
21Dear Beloved
22Deer An Animal
23Die To Cease Living
24Dye To Color Something
25Fair Just Or Impartial
26Fare The Price Of Transportation
27Feat An Achievement
28Feet Plural Of Foot
29Flower A Bloom
30Flour Powdered Grain
31For In Favor Of
32Four The Number
33Hair On The Head
34Hare A Fast-Running Mammal
35Hear To Perceive Sound
36Here In This Place
37Knight A Medieval Warrior
38Night The Time Of Darkness
39Knot A Tied Loop
40Not Negation
41Know To Be Aware Of
42No Negative Answer
43Meat Flesh Used As Food
44Meet To Come Into The Presence Of
45Naval Related To The Navy
46Navel Belly Button
47One The Number
48Won Past Tense Of “Win”
49Pair Two Of A Kind
50Pare To Trim
51Peace Freedom From Disturbance
52Piece A Part Of Something
53Plain Simple
54Plane A Flat Surface
55Rain Precipitation
56Rein A Strap For Guiding Animals
57Right Correct
58Write To Compose Text
59Scene A View Or Landscape
60Seen Past Participle Of “See”
61Sea Large Body Of Saltwater
62See To Perceive With The Eyes
63So In Such A Manner
64Sew To Join Fabric With Stitches
65Son Male Offspring
66Sun The Star At The Center Of The Solar System
67Some A Portion Of
68Sum The Total
69Stair A Step In A Staircase
70Stare To Look Fixedly
71Stationary Not Moving
72Stationery Writing Materials
73Steal To Take Without Permission
74Steel A Strong Metal Alloy
75Tale A Story
76Tail The Hind Part Of An Animal
77Tea A Hot Beverage
78Tee A Support For A Golf Ball
79Their Belonging To Them
80There In That Place
81Threw Past Tense Of “Throw”
82Through From One End To The Other
83To Toward
84Too Also
85Two The Number
86Waist The Narrow Part Of The Body
87Waste To Use Carelessly
88Wait To Remain In Readiness
89Weight The Measure Of Heaviness
90Way A Route Or Method
91Weigh To Measure Weight
92Weak Lacking Strength
93Week A Period Of Seven Days
94Wood Material From Trees
95Would Past Tense Of “Will”
96Write To Compose Text
97Right Correct
98Rite A Ceremonial Act
99Write To Compose Text
100Wright A Worker Skilled In Crafting

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