How to use Pivot Table

How to use Pivot Table : Pivot table is a special Excel tool that allows you to summarize and explore data interactively. Pivot table one of the most powerful features in Excel, it allow users to quickly and efficiently analyze and summarize large amounts of data. Many users find pivot tables scary or confusing. In this article, we’ll break down the process of creating and using pivot tables step-by-step, so you can use them to their full valuable insights from your data.

Step 1: Understanding Pivot Tables

Before diving into creating pivot tables, it is essential to understand what is table.  So let’s explore first table.

Table:  Table is a collection of data. It was first coined in MS Access. However, it is commonly used in excel now a days. Table in Excel has a header and there are no entirely blank rows or columns. (Example: Home > Format as Table).

Pivot Table: it also known as a data summarization tool that allows you to reorganize and summarize selected columns and rows of data in a spreadsheet. Pivot tables enable users to analyze data by sorting, filtering, and summarizing it dynamically.

Step 2: Organizing Your Data

You need to organize your data properly. Ensure that your data is arranged in a tabular format with clear headers for each column. Each column should represent a different variable, and each row should represent a unique record or entry.

Step 3: Creating a Pivot Table

To create a pivot table, follow these steps:

1. Select any cell within your data range.

2. Go to the “Insert” tab in the Excel ribbon.

3. Click on the “PivotTable” button.

4. Excel will prompt you to select the data range for your pivot table. Ensure that the correct range is selected and click “OK.”

Note: No entirely blank rows or columns Leave the default settings and click the OK button. 

A PivotTable will open in a brand new sheet titled Sheet1 located to the left of the Performance Appraisals spreadsheet tab.

Step 4: Configuring the Pivot Table Fields

1. Drag and drop the fields you want to analyze into the
appropriate areas of the pivot table layout:

   – Values: Numeric data you want to summarize (e.g., sales amounts, quantities).

   – Rows: Categorical data you want to use as row labels.

   – Columns: Categorical data you want to use as column labels.

   – Filters: Data you want to use to filter the results.

2. Excel will automatically aggregate the values based on the row and column labels.

Step 5: Customizing the Pivot Table Excel provides numerous customization options to tailor your pivot table to your specific needs. You can:

– Format the pivot table cells.

– Change the summary functions (e.g., sum, count, average) for each value field.

– Group data within the pivot table.

– Filter data using slicers or manual filtering.

– Sort data within the pivot table.

– Insert calculated fields or items.

Notice the PivotTable now shows the Average salary for each position and performance rating.

Step 6: Refreshing the Pivot Table

Filtering and Sorting a PivotTable

Drag the Department field to the Filters box. This top-level filter allows filtering data by department only.

2. In cell B1, select Administration from the dropdown list.

3. Click the OK button. The results are filtered to show just those positions that are part of Administration. 

4.In the cell B1 dropdown, click the Select Multiple Items checkbox.

5.Add Executive to the filter and click the OK button.

6.In the cell B1 dropdown, click the All checkbox from the dropdown
list and then click the OK button. All records are now displayed.

7. Drag Department from the Filters box to the Rows box. Place it above the Position field. The positions are now grouped by department.

8.In the cell A4 dropdown list, uncheck the box beside Select All and
then check the box beside Training. Click the OK button. All
other records are filtered.

9.In the cell A4 dropdown list, click the check box beside Select All and
then click the OK button. All records are now returned to view.

10.In the cell A4 dropdown list, select Sort A to Z. The departments
are now sorted alphabetically.

11. In the cell B3 dropdown list, select Sort Largest to Smallest. The Performance Ratings now show the highest rating first. 


Pivot tables are most valuable tools for data analysis in Excel, allowing users to summarize, analyze, and visualize large data sets with ease. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create and customize pivot tables to extract meaningful insights from your data efficiently. With practice, you’ll become proficient in using pivot tables to tackle even the most complex analytical challenges.

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