Keyboard shortcuts for performing actions in Microsoft Office
Keyboard shortcuts for performing actions in Microsoft Office

Keyboard shortcuts for performing actions in Microsoft Office: Keyboard shortcuts are individual keys or key combinations that offer a different way to perform tasks that are normally performed with a mouse. Using shortcuts can help you get things done faster and more effectively, especially when handling big spreadsheets. For example, you can use Ctrl+B to bold a cell instead of hitting the Bold option on the toolbar.

To do thisPress
Close a workbook.Ctrl+W
Open a workbook.Ctrl+O
Go to the Home tab.Alt+H
Save a workbook.Ctrl+S
Copy selection.Ctrl+C
Paste selection.Ctrl+V
Undo recent action.Ctrl+Z
Remove cell contents.Delete
Choose a fill color.Alt+H, H
Cut selection.Ctrl+X
Go to the Insert tab.Alt+N
Apply bold formatting.Ctrl+B
Center align cell contents.Alt+H, A, C
Go to the Page Layout tab.Alt+P
Go to the Data tab.Alt+A
Go to the View tab.Alt+W
Add borders.Alt+H, B
Delete column.Alt+H, D, C
Go to the Formula tab.Alt+M
Hide the selected rows.Ctrl+9
Hide the selected columns.Ctrl+0
Open the Format Cells dialog box.Ctrl+1
Insert a note.Shift+F2
Open and edit a cell note.Shift+F2
Insert a threaded comment.Ctrl+Shift+F2
Open and reply to a threaded comment.Ctrl+Shift+F2
Open the Insert dialog box to insert blank cells.Ctrl+Shift+Plus sign (+)
Open the Delete dialog box to delete selected cells.Ctrl+Minus sign (-)
Enter the current time.Ctrl+Shift+Colon (:)
Enter the current date.Ctrl+Semicolon (;)
Switch between displaying cell values or formulas in the worksheet.Ctrl+Grave accent (`)
Copy a formula from the cell above the active
cell into the cell or the formula bar.
Ctrl+Apostrophe (‘)
Move the selected cells.Ctrl+X
Copy the selected cells.Ctrl+C
Paste content at the insertion point, replacing any selection.Ctrl+V
Open the Paste Special dialog box.Ctrl+Alt+V
Italicize text or remove italic formatting.Ctrl+I or Ctrl+3
Bold text or remove bold formatting.Ctrl+B or Ctrl+2
Underline text or remove underline.Ctrl+U or Ctrl+4
Apply or remove strikethrough formatting.Ctrl+5
Switch between hiding objects, displaying objects,
 and displaying placeholders for objects.
Apply an outline border to the selected cells.Ctrl+Shift+Ampersand sign (&)
Remove the outline border from the selected cells.Ctrl+Shift+Underscore (_)
Display or hide the outline symbols.Ctrl+8
Use the Fill Down command to copy the contents and
 format of the topmost cell of a selected range into the cells below.
Apply the General number format.Ctrl+Shift+Tilde sign (~)
Apply the Currency format with two decimal places
 (negative numbers in parentheses).
Ctrl+Shift+Dollar sign ($)
Apply the Percentage format with no decimal places.Ctrl+Shift+Percent sign (%)
Apply the Scientific number format with two decimal places.Ctrl+Shift+Caret sign (^)
Apply the Date format with the day, month, and year.Ctrl+Shift+Number sign (#)
Apply the Time format with the hour and minute, and AM or PM.Ctrl+Shift+At sign (@)
Open the Insert hyperlink dialog box.Ctrl+K
Check spelling in the active worksheet or selected range.F7
Display the Quick Analysis options for selected cells that contain data.Ctrl+Q
Display the Create Table dialog box.Ctrl+L or Ctrl+T
Open the Workbook Statistics dialog box.Ctrl+Shift+G
    To do this     Press
Open a document.Ctrl+O
Create a new document.Ctrl+N
Save the document.Ctrl+S
Close the document.Ctrl+W
Cut the selected content to the Clipboard.Ctrl+X
Copy the selected content to the Clipboard.Ctrl+C
Paste the contents of the Clipboard.Ctrl+V
Select all document content.Ctrl+A
Apply bold formatting to text.Ctrl+B
Apply italic formatting to text.Ctrl+I
Apply underline formatting to text.Ctrl+U
Decrease the font size by 1 point.Ctrl+Left bracket ([)
Increase the font size by 1 point.Ctrl+Right bracket (])
Center the text.Ctrl+E
Align the text to the left.Ctrl+L
Align the text to the right.Ctrl+R
Cancel a command.Esc
Undo the previous action.Ctrl+Z
Redo the previous action, if possible.Ctrl+Y
Adjust the zoom magnification.Alt+W, Q, then use the Tab key in the Zoom 
dialog box to go to the value you want.
Split the document window.Ctrl+Alt+S
Remove the document window split.Alt+Shift+C or Ctrl+Alt+S
To do thisPress
Create new presentation.Ctrl+N
Add a new slide.Ctrl+M
Apply bold formatting to the selected text.Ctrl+B
Open the Font dialog box.Ctrl+T
Cut selected text, object, or slide.Ctrl+X
Copy selected text, object, or slide.Ctrl+C
Paste cut or copied text, object, or slide.Ctrl+V
Insert a hyperlink.Ctrl+K
Insert a new comment.Ctrl+Alt+M
Undo the last action.Ctrl+Z
Redo the last action.Ctrl+Y
Go to the next slide.Page down
Go to the previous slide.Page up
Start the slide show.F5
End the slide show.Esc
Print a presentation.Ctrl+P
Save the presentation.Ctrl+S
Close PowerPoint.Ctrl+Q
Cut selected object or text.Ctrl+X
Copy selected object or text.Ctrl+C
Paste cut or copied object or text.Ctrl+V
Copy the formatting of the selected object or text.Ctrl+Shift+C
Paste copied formatting to the selected object or text.Ctrl+Shift+V
Open the Paste Special dialog box.Ctrl+Alt+V
Download : you can find link below
Press this keyTo do this
Ctrl + XCut the selected item.
Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert)Copy the selected item.
Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert)Paste the selected item.
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste as plain text
Ctrl + ZUndo an action.
Alt + TabSwitch between open apps.
Alt + F4Close the active item, or exit the active app.
Windows logo key  + LLock your PC.
Windows logo key  + DDisplay and hide the desktop.
F2Rename the selected item.
F3Search for a file or folder in File Explorer.
F4Display the address bar list in File Explorer.
F5Refresh the active window.
F6Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop.
F10Activate the Menu bar in the active app.
Alt + ASet focus to the first icon in the Suggested actions menu.
Alt + F8Show your password on the sign-in screen.
Alt + EscCycle through items in the order in which they were opened.
Alt + underlined letterPerform the command for that letter.
Alt + EnterDisplay properties for the selected item.
Alt + SpacebarOpen the shortcut menu for the active window.
Alt + Left arrowGo back.
Alt + Right arrowGo forward.
Alt + Page UpMove up one screen.
Alt + Page DownMove down one screen.
Ctrl + F4Close the active document (in apps that are full-screen
 and let you have multiple documents open at the same time).
Ctrl + ASelect all items in a document or window.
Ctrl + D (or Delete)Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin.
Ctrl + EOpen Search (in most apps).
Ctrl + R (or F5)Refresh the active window.
Ctrl + YRedo an action.
Ctrl + Right arrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
Ctrl + Left arrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
Ctrl + Down arrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.
Ctrl + Up arrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
Ctrl + Alt + TabUse the arrow keys to switch between all open apps.
Alt + Shift + arrow keysWhen a group or tile is in focus on the Start menu,
 move it in the direction specified.
Ctrl + Shift + arrow keysWhen a tile is in focus on the Start menu, move it into another tile to create a folder.
Ctrl + arrow keysResize the Start menu when it’s open.
Ctrl + arrow key (to move to an item) + SpacebarSelect multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop.
Ctrl + Shift with an arrow keySelect a block of text.
Ctrl + EscOpen Start.
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen Task Manager.
Ctrl + ShiftSwitch the keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts are available.
Ctrl + SpacebarTurn the Chinese input method editor (IME) on or off.
Shift + F10Display the shortcut menu for the selected item.
Shift + DeleteDelete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first.
Right arrowOpen the next menu to the right, or open a submenu.
Left arrowOpen the next menu to the left, or close a submenu.
EscStop or leave the current task.
PrtScnTake a screenshot of your whole screen and copy it to the clipboard. 
Note: You can change this shortcut so it also opens screen snipping,
 which lets you edit your screenshot. Select Start  > Settings  > Accessibility  > Keyboard ,
and set Use the Print Screen button to open screen snipping to On.

For more information regarding shortcut in Microsoft office you can visit officially website click here

Download : Keyboard shortcuts for performing actions in Microsoft Office in PDF

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