MCQ’s On Indian Polity and Constitution with PDF
MCQ’s On Indian Polity and Constitution with PDF

MCQ’s On Indian Polity and Constitution with PDF : A vast range of subjects are covered under the discipline of Indian politics, including the creation of the Constitution, citizenship, fundamental rights, directive principles, the executive branch, the president, the prime minister and cabinet, the judiciary, state and local governments, elections, and much more. One of the core social science courses that helps us comprehend both our rights and our democratic system of government is Indian Polity. Below are the 50 MCQ’s question and answer on Indian Plolity and constitution

1.In which year, the Government of India had set up the Sarkaria Commission on Centre-State relations?

[A] 1980

[B] 1983

[C] 1987

[D] 1992

Correct Answer: B

2.Who among the following was the First Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission?

[A] Gulzari Lal Nanda

[B] V.T. Krishnamachari

[C] C.M. Trivedi

[D] Ashok Mehta

Correct Answer: A

3.The chairman of the Committee on Public Accounts is nominated by which among the following?

[A] President

[B] Lok Sabha Speaker

[C] Lok Sabha Secretary

[D] Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs

Correct Answer: B

4.Which among the following constitution is similar to Indian Constitution because of a strong centre?


[B] Canada

[C] England

[D] Japan

Correct Answer: B

5.Who among the following is the final interpreter & guardian of Indian Constitution?

[A] President

[B] Prime Minister

[C] Supreme Court

[D] Supreme Court as well as High Court

Correct Answer: C

6.Any member of the public or group of people may approach the court , on behalf of the aggrieved persons for protection of his fundamental rights. This is called ________?

[A] Doctrine of public interest litigation

[B] Doctrine of Severability

[C] Doctrine of Real effect

[D] None of the above

Correct Answer: A

7.On which date, Supreme Court of India started operations in Independent India?

[A] 25 January, 1950

[B] 28 January, 1950

[C] 4 June, 1951

[D] 27 October, 1949

Correct Answer: B

8.Indian Muslims were allotted reserved seats in the Municipal and District Boards, in the Provincial Councils and in the Imperial Legislature, in which of the following acts?

[A] Government of India Act 1909

[B] Government of India Act 1919

[C] Indian Councils Act 1861

[D] Indian Councils Act 1891

Correct Answer: A

9.In which of the following situations a President can establish Inter -State Council?

[A] During an emergency

[B] When council of Ministers recommends him / her to do so

[C] When parliament passes a law

[D] When it appears to him / her that it would be serving the public interest

Correct Answer: D

10.About which article Supreme Court of India has held that where this article comes in the article 14 goes out?

[A] Article 30

[B] Article 31 A

[C] Article 31 B

[D] Article 32

Correct Answer: B

11.Which among the following Fundamental rights has been most controversial?

[A] Right to Freedom

[B] Right to property

[C] Right to Freedom of religion

[D] Right to cultural & education Rights

Correct Answer: B

12.Which of the following Lok Sabha had the shortest duration?

[A] 9th

[B] 10th

[C] 11th

[D] 12th

Correct Answer: D

13.Who among the following functions as Chairman of Zonal Council?

[A] Prime Minister

[B] Union Home Minister

[C] State Chief Minister elected by all chief ministers of respective states

[D] President

Correct Answer: B

14.The salary of the Judge of High Court are charged from which among the following?

[A] Consolidated Fund of India

[B] Consolidated Fund of the State

[C] Contingency Fund of India

[D] Contingency Fund of State

Correct Answer: B

15.The Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals with the administration and control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes in the four states of :

[A] Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and Nagaland

[B] Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram

[C] Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland

[D] Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland

Correct Answer: B

16.Which of the following is the main objective curative petition?

[A] To prevent misuse of justice delivery system

[B] To keep a check on executive

[C] To keep a check on lower courts

[D] All of above

Correct Answer: A Notes:

17.Why betterment levy is imposed by the government?

[A] Of the improvement in soil/land quality as a result of irrigational facilities provided by the government

[B] Of improved industrial production due to various infrastructural facilities provided by the government

[C] Of increased capacity utilization due to electricity supplied by State Electricity Boards

[D] Of increased raw material imports possible due to availability of foreign currency provided by the government

Correct Answer: A

18.Who was the head of Union Powers Committee?

[A] Dr. Rajendra Prasad

[B] Jawaharlal Nehru

[C] B. R. Ambedkar

[D] Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Correct Answer: B

19.Preamble of the Indian Constitution based on which of the following previous documents / Laws?

[A] Nehru Report

[B] Objectives Resolution

[C] Government of India Act, 1935

[D] Indian Independence Act, 1947

Correct Answer: B

20.Whose oath as deputy prime minister was challenged as being unconstitutional?

[A] Morarji Desai

[B] Narsimha Rao

[C] Charan Singh

[D] Devi Lal

Correct Answer: D

21.Currently how many Union Territories are there in India?

[A] 7

[B] 8

[C] 9

[D] 10

Correct Answer: B

22.Which of the following writs can be issued against a private individual?

[A] Habeas Corpus

[B] Prohibition

[C] Mandamus

[D] Certiorari

Correct Answer: A

23.Which of the following writs issue a command to a public official asking him to perform his official duties that he has failed or refused to perform?

[A] Certiorari

[B] Mandamus

[C] Habeas Corpus

[D] Quo-Warranto

Correct Answer: B

24.Who decides the salary and allowances of the Prime Minister?

[A] By Parliament

[B] By Lok Sabha

[C] By Rajya Sabha

[D] By Council of Ministers

Correct Answer: A

25.How many Departmentally-Related Standing Committees (DRSCs) were created on the recommendation of the Rules Committee of the Lok Sabha in 1993?

[A] 17

[B] 18

[C] 21

[D] 25

Correct Answer: A

26.What is the maximum period of operation of a Financial Emergency?

[A] Three months

[B] Six months

[C] One year

[D] Indefinitely till it is revoked

Correct Answer: D

27.Which of the following Articles deals with the bills reserved by the Governor for consideration of the President?

[A] 201

[B] 202

[C] 203

[D] 204

Correct Answer: A

28.What is the maximum age until a judge of High Court can hold office?

[A] 60

[B] 62

[C] 65

[D] 70

Correct Answer: B

29.Which of the following does the appointment, posting and promotion of district judges in a state?

[A] Governor

[B] Governor of the state in consultation with the high court

[C] High Court

[D] Supreme Court

Correct Answer: B

30.Which committee recommended the establishment of a three-tier panchayati raj system?

[A] Study Team on Panchayati Raj Administration

[B] Balwant Rai Mehta Committee

[C] Ashok Mehta Committee

[D] G.V.K. Rao Committee

Correct Answer: B

31.Who appoints the Chief Information Commissioner of the Central Information Commission?

[A] Rajya Sabha

[B] A committee of Lok Sabha

[C] President

[D] Prime Minister

Correct Answer: C

32.Which of the following statements are correct about CBI’s association with Interpol?

[A] CBI acts as the National Central Bureau of Interpol

[B] Interpol Wing of the CBI coordinates requests for investigation originating from Indian law enforcement agencies

[C] Interpol Wing of the CBI coordinates requests for investigation from the member countries of the Interpol

[D] All of the above

Correct Answer: D

33.In which of the following cases the distinction between the sovereign and non-sovereign functions of the Government in India and the immunity of the government in respect of its sovereign functions was established?

[A] S.R. Bommai case

[B] P and O Steam Navigation Company case

[C] Keshvananda Bharti case

[D] Minerva Mills Case

Correct Answer: B

34.An act of a person incapable of judgment by reason of intoxication caused against his will is defined in which section of IPC?

[A] Section 85

[B] Section 86

[C] Section 87

[D] Section 88

Correct Answer: A

35.The State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission will hear complaints of how much worth?

[A] more than Rs 1 lakh but less than Rs 10 lakh

[B] more than Rs 10 crore but less than Rs 50 crore

[C] more than Rs 1 crore but less than Rs 10 crore

[D] more than Rs 5 crore but less than Rs 10 crore

Correct Answer: C

36.Central Consumer Protection Authority is being constituted under which section of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019?

[A] Section 10(1)

[B] Section 10(2)

[C] Section 10(3)

[D] Section 10(4)

Correct Answer: A

37.Which of the following clearly defines the Local self-government?

[A] Governmental jurisdiction below state level

[B] Centralizing governmental jurisdiction

[C] Country ruled by the President

[D] Monarchy

Correct Answer: A

38.If there are 545 members in the Lok Sabha, five members are absent, 50 do not participate in the voting, and how many members will be required to pass a bill from the effective majority in Lok Sabha?

[A] 270

[B] 254

[C] 276

[D] 245

Correct Answer: D

39.Which of the following elicits the Public opinion on a Bill?

[A] Plebiscite

[B] Referendum

[C] Recall

[D] Initiative

Correct Answer: B

40.Which article of Indian Constitution gives power to the Parliament to amend the Constitution?

[A] Article 352

[B] Article 356

[C] Article 360

[D] Article 368

Correct Answer: D

41.Who has the right to decide whether a bill is a money bill or not?

[A] Chief Minister

[B] Speaker of the State Legislative Council

[C] Speaker of State Legislative Assembly

[D] Governor

Correct Answer: C

42.In which of the following Acts the territorial division of governance in India was done ?

[A] Government of India Act, 1858

[B] Indian Councils Act, 1861

[C] Indian Councils Act, 1892

[D] Government of India Act, 1861

Correct Answer: A

43.Which of the following is justiciable in nature?

[A] Fundamental Duties

[B] Directive Principles of State Policy

[C] Fundamental Rights

[D] None of these

Correct Answer: C

44.When power is shared among different organs of government, then it is known as _____.

[A] Community Government

[B] Separation of powers

[C] Coalition Government

[D] Amalgamation of powers

Correct Answer: B

45.“Residuary powers” under the Indian Constitution means__:

[A] the powers relating to International Affairs.

[B] the powers relating to Internal Emergency.

[C] the powers, which can be exercised both by the Union Government and the States.

 [D] the powers, which have not been specifically enumerated in the Union List, State List and Concurrent List.

Correct Answer: D

46.Who has the power to prorogue the Lok Sabha ?

[A] The Speaker

[B] The Prime Minister

[C] The Minister for Parliamentary Affairs

[D] The President

Correct Answer: D

47.How many members can be appointed in Rajya Sabha from Uttar Pradesh?

[A] 22

[B] 39

[C] 31

[D] 18

Correct Answer: C

48.Which Commission was appointed by the central government to examine issues related to Centre- State relations?

[A] Mandal Commission

[B] Sarkaria Commission

[C] Nanavati Commission

[D] Kothari Commission

Correct Answer: B

49.Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ?

[A] ADM Jabalpur case-Rights of citizens under emergency

[B] Indira Sawhney case-Rights of women at work

[C] Vishakha case-Centre-State relations

[D] Kartar Singh case-Rights of minorities

Correct Answer: A

50.When was the Indian National Flag adopted?

[A] 12 July, 1947

[B] 12 August, 1947

[C] 22 August, 1947

[D] 22 July, 1947

Correct Answer: D

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