The story of the elephant and his friends
The story of the elephant and his friends

The story of the elephant and his friends: One day an elephant arrived in a forest. It was his first time in this forests, and he wanted to make friends. On approaching a monkey, he welcomed it by saying, “Hello, monkey brother! Do you want to be friends with me? The monkey said, “I can’t be your friend because you’re too big to swing like me.” The elephant then went a rabbit and asked the same question. Rabbit replied, “I can’t be your friend because you’re too big to fit in my den.”

The elephant next went to the pond’s resident frog and asked the same question. You cannot be my friend because you are too heavy to jump as high as me, the frog replied to him. The elephant was now quite unhappy as, despite his best attempts, he was unable to make friends.The elephant then questioned a rushing bear what was causing the disturbance one day when it noticed all the animals running about in the forest.
The forest’s lion has gone on the hunt, and they are fleeing to protect themselves from him, the lion declared. The elephant approached the lion in such a situation and asked him not to harm these innocents. Please don’t bother them.

The elephant was requested to step aside by the lion, who ridiculed him. After that, the lion was hurt when the elephant pushed him with all of his strength out of rage and fled. Now, one by one, the other animals emerged and began to celebrate the lion’s defeat. “Your size is perfect to be our friend,” he said to the elephant.

Short Moral Stories for Kids in English –  We can learn from this story that a person’s value is not based on their size.

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